Thursday, July 29, 2010

Another reason to love Mad Men

Yesterday, I met with someone for networking purposes and he asked me to explain what services we provide, exactly. I went into this long, drawn out case study of our latest project, which you can check out here, and I'm all, "We whittle the client's advertising objective down to one palatable line, we prop our feet up and open our notebooks to a blank page, we dream up some ideas for a campaign that makes sense (hopefully), we write some scripts, we present them to the client in a very enthusiastic way with flailing arms and fancy words, we hope they buy it, when they do, we go talk to some directors, we present the scripts to those directors with high hopes that they envision them the same way that we did, we gather bids about how much the production will cost, we then choose one of those directors to bring the scripts to life, we work with that director to cast the most talented actors or at least the ones with the best hair, we go to the shoot and make sure the director gets it right while we stand around eating too much and gaining 5 pounds, we sit in an editing suite for a week making sure the editor gets it right while we eat breakfast tacos every day and gain another 5 pounds, we traffic the spots to their proper channels and then we high five and say Yay! a bunch."

And I paraphrase, but still.

Then I get a little self-conscious that maybe I'm talking too much and not making sense, so I try to lighten the mood by saying, "Do you happen to watch Mad Men?"

His eyes light up and his head nods. Phew!

"We're Peggy and Don," I say.

And he says, "Ah. That helps a lot. Now, I get it."

Now, who represents Peggy and who represents Don on any given day changes around here, and also depends on who you ask.

But you get the gist.
