Facebook reminded me the other day about the upcoming third season of our favorite show:
Mad Men. Scoot your ass to the edge of your chair and watch the promo
Watching the promo then reminded me of
this article that I read giddily in
The New York Times Magazine on Sunday
. And I couldn't help but wonder if the overwhelming popularity of
Mad Men was somehow related to the demise of helicopter parenting.
I mean, did anyone see the episode where Don and Betty Draper get so hammered that they forget to feed their kids dinner? Am I the only one who saw that and thought it was a little bit awesome? Because it gave me a little sliver of affirmation that I'm not a terrible parent after all?
So what if they live in the early '60s. So what if they are fictional characters created in an air-conditioned room in Times Square. That episode still gave me hope.
If they
are somehow related, does
Mad Men have the power to bring the three-martini lunch back into vogue? If not that, then perhaps the three-margarita lunch?
Who's with me on this?
DISCLAIMER: Swizzle does not in any way condone the use of children for mixing cocktails, although it does entertain the notion from time to time. The fact that Swizzle's name is Swizzle is pure coincidence.